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you are

not alone.

We listen. we care. we help. 

All our services are 100% free & confidential. 



text or call

If you think you may be pregnant, we can help you confirm your pregnancy. Our center offers free,

confidential, self-administered 

pregnancy tests 5 days a week.

If you are pregnant, our trained advocates will listen and help you process all your options. 


Your doctor may request an ultrasound exam to confirm the status of your pregnancy. This information is important whether you are considering abortion or continuing with your pregnancy. We offer free ultrasounds by appointment only from caring, licensed sonographers. 

This pregnancy wasn't in your plan? It's complicated? We hear you. If you are considering abortion, our advocates can provide information about abortion/abortion pill, adoption and parenting. We listen and offer the information you need to help you make the choice that's best for you. 

Need to talk with someone who cares and can help? 

You can text or call us right now.

Text: 409-267-7316

Call: 281-427-2273

Para hacer una cita en español, 

mande un mensaje de texto al



set appoinTment now
Free Pregnancy test

Need to talk with someone who cares and can help? 

You can call or text us right now.

Text Us: 409-267-7316

Call Us : 281-427-2273

Para hacer una cita en español, 

mande un mensaje de texto al 409-267-7316


Let's make a plan

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Come visit us. 





Open Hours: Appointments preferred 

Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday - 9:00AM5:00PM

Thursday - 9:00AM – 8:00PM

Saturday, Sunday, Monday  - CLOSED




WALK-INS ACCEPTED Based on Availability

Tuesdays: 9:15am-11:45am

Wednesdays: 9:00am-10:15am

Thursdays: 5:00pm-6:30pm




610 S Main Street

Highlands, Texas 77562


What Our Clients Say

"I really wish I would have come here with my first child. I came for the free pregnancy test and ultrasound. I love everybody in this office. The staff is really nice and so sweet."

"They make you feel like you're family here. The CPR class helped me a lot... my son choked and went blue... Because of the Center,

I learned how to save him." 

"If you need help you should definitely come to the Pregnancy Center. They've supported me, taught me, prayed with me. I get diapers and other baby stuff here. It's very helpful."

Partner with us to help support and empower women facing an unexpected pregnancy.

Serving east Harris, Chambers & Liberty Counties in Texas

Pregnancy Resource Center East does not offer, recommend, or refer for abortions, abortifacients, or contraceptives. We are committed to offering accurate information about related risks and procedures.

This information is intended for general education purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional and/or medical advice.






During closed hours:


610 S Main Street

Highlands, Texas 77562

Hours & Appointments:

To value your time, appointments are preferred, 

but walk-ins are welcome.
Ultrasounds are by appointment only.

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Pregnancy Resource Center East

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